Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kozmo Loves his Goughnuts!

We got this email from a customer recently about the Goughnuts we sent to her before Christmas:
On Christmas morning, Kozmo enjoyed opening the box in which they came; we had to coax him to keep pulling out *all* the toys ("What? You mean there's more than 1 in here?!").

You're right, the stick doesn't seem to fit easily into the goughnut - I did so...
me quick research and I might try some olive oil - I'm sure there must be a way. He certainly enjoys the toys individually. Thank you so much, too, for including a Maxx - what a delightful and unexpected surprise!

The texture of all the toys is great - Kozmo tells me they're tougher than the black Kongs, and "chewier" - I can see how it's a more satisfying chew toy. I hope they sell well for you. The Maxx seems like an excellent addition to the product line.

I've attached a few pictures. Thanks again, and I hope you have a great year in 2010.

Thanks so much!!

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