Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pawhaus Pet Halloween Photo Contest Winners


Thank you to everyone who entered!  We loved every single photo and are happy with what a great response we had our first year. We can't wait to do it again next year!!

First place winner:  Echo the Astromutt

Echo the AstroMutt

About Echo:  This is echo our boston terrier dressed in our home made astronaut costume. Don't worry she can breathe fine, we have taken necessary precautions to insure proper breathing is achieved. She actually has 2 helmets: 1 for the photo shoot which is not left on her than more than 15 seconds which has airholes around the base of her collar and a show helmet with a big hole cut out of the front. We are very concerned about costume safety and have been getting questions of concern.

Second Place Winner: Aladdin and Phoenix as Poseidon and Triton

Aladdin and Phoenix

About Aladdin and Phoenix: Aladdin and Phoenix are fun loving and friendly dogs. They are like kings in our house, so they decided to dress as kings for Halloween this year, the kings of the sea - Poseidon and Triton. They are actually merman, with fish tails and human chests. Triton has a magic conch shell around his neck that he blows into to raise or lower the waves and they both have golden tridents. Here they are under the sea, amongst the sealife and bubbles.

Third Place Winners: Darci and Nelly as Little Bo Peep who Found her Sheep 

Little Bo Peep and Sheep

Both Darci and Nelly are rescue pups. Darci was adopted over 4 years ago and Nelly came to our house barely a year ago. Nelly first came to our house as a scared, little foster pup - much like a lost sheep. But with Darci's help and guidance she soon found her way and has a permanent home where we all love her. I made both Darci's Little Bo Peep costume and Nelly's sheep costume by hand and hope you enjoy the picture!

1 comment:

Page said...

They were all so good!! Congrats!