Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dog Age - Winter Skin Saver

Know how your skin gets dry and itchy in winter? Your dog's skin struggles with cold weather, overheated houses, and low humidity, too. Here's how to keep your pooch itch-free:
  • Brush her often. Even shorthaired dogs need help sloughing off dead skin cells. Brushing stimulates circulation and kicks up production of natural moisturizers from oil glands.
  • Shampoo less often. Experts warn that weekly baths remove much-needed lubricating oils.
  • Keep your own shampoo -- even the gentle one -- on the shelf, and use a moisturizing doggie-formulated one.

If dry skin persists, take Fluffy to the vet. Itching can be a sign of something more serious.

Source: Dog Age

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